


Сегодня окончательно убедился, что на эту сволочь Фельгенгауэр работают какие-то хакеры.

Последние пару дней она начала искать возможность воздействовать на мое сердце. С дыханием, точнее его прекращением, она уже давно экспериментирует. Вчера же утром проснулся с ощущением стального кольца, стянувшего мое сердце. Ну а сегодняшним утром меня ждало ощущение тяжелого холода в сердце.

В связи со всей этой ситуацией, когда она уже не просто постоянно использует меня для удовлетворения своей похоти, а угрожает моей жизни, я обратился к известному в Москве экстрасенсу Михаилу Львовичу Перепелицину. Я знаком с ним больше 30 лет, со времен моей юности, когда он лечил меня от нефрита.

Попросил его посмотреть на этого человека, почему он с таким диким упорством и жестокостью преследует меня. Михаил Львович велел переслать ему ее фотографии. И что же происходит в тот самый момент, когда я попытался зайти в интернет и найти ее фото? До этого прекрасно работавший, интернет вдруг забуксовал. Мне пришлось несколько раз выключить/включить мобильный (доступ к интернету у меня сейчас только через мобильный), прежде чем интернет снова заработал.

Теперь меня не удивляет, откуда она мгновенно, практически в режиме онлайн (следит за мной она непрерывно), знает все что я пишу или говорю.


Демократия в действии.

Каталонцы еще не поняли, что Запад включает демократические механизмы, когда ему это выгодно. И отключает, когда невыгодно.




Для ясности. То, что сейчас происходит, – это сексуальное домогательство. Пользуясь тем, что заблокировать телепатический контакт сложнее, чем физический, Татьяна Фельгенгауэр непрерывно преследует меня, утром, днём, ночью. Это продолжается уже пару недель. На все мои попытки остановить это преследование Татьяна не обращает внимания.

Я обращаюсь к её коллегам по работе на «Эхе Москвы» с просьбой повлиять на поведение из сослуживицы. Я обращаюсь к её приёмному отцу, Павлу Фельгенгауэру: надеюсь вы обладаете каким-то авторитетом для своей дочери и сможете повлиять на неё. Через несколько недель я приезжаю в Москву и, если это не прекратится, последствия могут быть очень неприятными.

Я не знаю, за что этот человек мстит мне, но так ведут себя только с врагами. Разве что за то, что несколько лет писал для России. Несмотря на весь тот цирк с конями, который получал в ответ.

Одно знаю точно: от Татьяны Фельгенгауэр меня уже тошнит.



Вот так. Обратился в 9-ый канал, 2-е управление теле- и радиовещания, “Кешет” (один из телеканалов, подведомственных 2-му управлению). Никакого ответа. В возможности рассказать о своей ситуации в этой стране мне отказано.

Демократия по-израильски.


Ну что, пришло время подвести черту под всей этой последней историей. 21/06 я рассказал, как мин-во науки отказало мне в деньгах на работу в МОП в Кирьят Арбе. Правда я неверно понял, в чём причина отказа. Она конечно не столь сюрреалистична, как мне показалось вначале, но всё равно весьма красочна. Мин-во науки не нашло подтверждения 12 месяцам постдока в моём научном багаже. Подробнее здесь.


To whom it may concern:



Very interesting continuation of the story with Kiryat Arba work. The job had to start on April 1st. At the beginning of February I applied documents. On March 8th there still was not decision. On April 1st there still was no information and I decided my application was declined.

And today I suddenly get official letter from the Ministry of Science & Technology, Division of Planning and Control, explaining they decided to decline the application for grant, because their checkup showed: I still didn’t start working.

This is Israelis and that’s how they behave!

And here what was their relation to my attempts to find a job as a programmer in December-March. One of the companies (“Extreme”, extreme.co.il), I applied to, sent me twice the this letter. It states: “Boris, these very minutes we have a meeting [good, not conference] in our company, aimed to check your CV and to try to find suitable position for you”.

During 5 years Israelis didn’t let me get normal job and after that they mock.


Sent letter to UN Human Rights Commision.


Last two months (except for the short heart attack vacation) I was verifying the options for the trial I mentioned before. There are two claims:

  • against DMV in Beer Sheva, where I was provided with the wrong information on the foreign truck driver licence conversion to Israeli one (see “Violation of my right to work” for details);
  • against state of Israel because of the violation of my right to decent work in 2012-2017 (details in the above post).

In general, Israeli state provides you with the opportunity to get representative in a court for very small, almost symbolic payment (“Juridical Support” organization). But before starting the trial I wanted to obtain the juridical consultation about my cases: what are the chances (if any) to win, what would be the reasonable compensation I can demand, that kind of stuff. Here I had a problem: the consultations of regular lawyer companies are very expensive. So, I was looking for opportunity to get such consultation very cheep or free of charge. Following is the story briefly.

But first I addressed political opposition (Y. Lapid, Z. Livni) with the easily readable message: they help me with my trial and I offer some political ideas. I see several opportunities, especailly in case of the Zionist Union. But Israelis as always missed the opportunity to use my potential (no response from the above personages).

The most common government program, providing juridical consultations free of charge, is “Shar Mizva” (שכר מצווה). They however don’t regard cases against government bodies (phone call).

Then I addressed the following organizations (corresponding phone calls may be found here):

In two words what I was said. Concerning my first claim against DMV (Beer Sheva) – no chances. The arguments:

a) There are no evidences I visited DMV in January 2013;

b) Government workers are defended. In case they lie, it may be easily interpreted as a mistake;

c) It’s me who had to be more active and repeat attempts (say, every half a year) to obtain Israeli licence. Never mind each such attempt costs several hundred dollars (new practice lessons and test).

Concerning the second claim against state of Israel – no chances. Arguments:

a) I’m exactly like Mr. Julius. He has four higher educations (including chemistry) – and what? (That would be of interest to compare our bank accounts).

The bottom line for these two months: don’t see much sense addressing Israeli judicial system.


Got today notification from UpWork about indefinite suspension of access to my UpWork account. The reasoning:

“Our decision is based on a careful review and the fact that you have submitted a high number of proposals for jobs on our site without many contracts or earnings. Unfortunately, this means the jobs posted by clients are not a good match for your skills.

I know this news is likely disappointing to you. But our goal at Upwork is to enable freelancers to successfully connect and collaborate with clients who need their skills and expertise. Unfortunately, this means we must part ways with freelancers whose skills are not in demand in our marketplace.”

Like two years ago I used already this service. Applied not many applications, probably not more than 20, and got some responces. This time, after I saw I can’t get job in Israel, I addressed this service again and applied ~ 25 applications in April. Not a single responce. And now, due to some very strange reasons my accsess is canceled. Because my “skills are not in demand in our marketplace”. That after I added such skills as Java programming, Web development programming.

Interestingly, this strange behavior of UpWork service coincided with the moment I’m starting the trial against Israeli government institutions for the violation of my right for work.


I now began looking for the trial against Israeli state because of the violation of my right to work.

Twice – on Friday and yesterday – wrote to the International Court of Justice (ICJ_1 , ICJ_2). No reply.

Today several times called to ICJ. Or they don’t reply, or, if somebody answers, he doesn’t hear my voice.

Seems to me, Israeli services started blocking my access to the international resources, if they are related to ICJ.

I, by the way, was not going to apply immediately to ICJ. As a first step I regarded applying to Israeli court. But I don’t trust Israelis, and have more than enough reasons for that. Therefore I wanted to have safety option – ICJ – for the case Israeli juridical system does not satisfy my complaint. And I needed to verify some details for the case I decide to apply.

And here what I got. Up to now didn’t succeed contacting ICJ.

If my suspicions are correct, then the situation has changed. Now it is not just violation of my right to work. It is violation of other civil rights, like freedom of speech and privacy of my personal life.


Ok, it’s time to tell about the last job opportunity I was waiting for. I didn’t mention it before, since it had nothing to do with Java/Web development. It was about programming (MatLab) support for drones navigation. I applied for it like 2 months ago at the beginning of February. The starting date of the job was supposed to be April 1-st, today. Three weeks ago I contacted the guy who was in charge. He informed me there is still no confirmation for my appointment. Since then I didn’t here from him and now regard my candidacy as declined.

The piquant detail about the job was its working place: Kiryat Arba, outskirts of Hebron. Probably therefore I was the only applicant for the position. Oleg Kupervasser, who was going to hire me, was interested in my appointment. As he explained me, the situation with the grant is as follows: or I get the job, or this money is lost.

So, this what we have as an input:

  • my qualification suits the job;
  • I’m the only applicant for the position;
  • employer is interested to hire me.

Still, at the output we have a negative result.

May there be any other rational explanation except for the one I named on March 14-th?


Спасибо Таганке за “Флейту-позвоночник” (В. Смехов, М. Матвеева, Д. Высоцкий). За то, что так здорово показали Маяковского. Не только его гениально-лёгкий поток слов и образов – пишет, как говорит, это всегда поражало, – но и спокойный, обычный, живой голос. А это наверное первый раз услышал. И как-то он стал понятнее.


Ok, that’s enough. More than 200 applications and only one company invited me to the online programming test.

And that when Israel is in need of programmers. “The Israeli high-tech is in decline, at least at the level of ordinary programmers”, – report journalists from the Israeli 9TV channel in the article from the January 10-th 2017 (pdf) . “For example the company “Round forest”, engaged in the improvement of virtual trading platforms, mobilizes employees. It publishes the ad “We’re Hiring !” with arshin size letters and exclamation marks on its website”.

“In Israel, for a programmer who is looking for work, several companies are fighting at once, trying to lure him to themselves. … Everyone describes what additional bonuses his firm gives and what opportunities for career growth.” Exactly as it was with me.

“But the intelligibility of local programmers is gradually annoying companies, and they are opening offices in Eastern Europe – in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Ukraine, although they still prefer to employ Israeli workers – if they are in sufficient numbers and not too capricious when discussing conditions.”

So, what does my story resemble more:

  1. Usual difficulties anyone experience when looking for a job?
  2. “The process in which individuals or people are systematically blocked from (or denied full access to) various rights, opportunities and resources that are normally available to members of a different group, and which are fundamental to social integration within that particular group[2] (e.g., housing, employment, healthcare, civic engagement, democratic participation, and due process) [my underscore – BG.]”?

The second option, by the way, is a definition of the phenomenon called “social exclusion”.


And so on…

Malam Team Group. “Angular Developer“.

Result: ?

Taldor Computer Systems. “Java Developer“.

Result: ?

200 positions applied. Result: nothing.

SeeV. “Senior Front-End Developer“.

Result: ?

ComBlack I.T. “Java Web Developer“.

Result: ?

Yael Group. “Full Stack Developer“.

Result: ?

TechTalent. “Java Full Stack Developer“.

Result: ?

Ingima. “Java/J2EE Developer“.

Result: ?

Nisha Group. “Front-End Engineer“.

Result: ?

Click Software. “Full Stack Developer“.

Result: ?

Log-On Software. “Java developer“.

Result: ?


EntryPoint. “Full stack Web programmer“.

Result: ?

QHR. “Full stack Web developer“.

Result: ?

Optimal+. “Web developer“.

Result: ?

Extreme Group. “C# full stack developer“.

Result: ?

Extreme Group. “Front-end developer JavaScript“.

Result: ?

SQLink. “Front-end Web developer“.

Result: ?

Experis. “Front-end Web developer“.

Result: ?

Special Job. “Web developer Angular“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Full stack Web developer“.

Result: ?

Restart Services. “Frontend full stack developer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Web developer“.

Result: ?

Gav Systems. “Full stack developer“.

Result: ?


Dialog HR. “Front-End Web developer #90939“.

Result: ?

Dialog HR. “Node.JS developer #92838“.

Result: ?

Dialog HR. “Web developer #92265“.

Result: ?

Dialog HR. “Full stack developer #90225“.

Result: ?

Dialog HR. “Client developer #88217“.

Result: ?

Dialog HR. “Full stack developer #92547“.

Result: ?

Dialog HR. “Web developer #91680“.

Result: ?

Dialog HR. 3_applications: Web developer (#91596), Front-End Web developer (# 90932 and 90809).

Result: ?


Exactly so (InoPressa, Financial Times)!


Softwave. “Java programmer“.

Result: ?

For Jobs. “Java full stack programmer“.

Result: ?

WizMagic. “Angular JS HTML developer“.

Result: ?

Nisha Group. “Full stack engineer“.

Result: ?

TechTalent. “Java developer server side“.

Result: ?

QBS LAB. “Full stack developer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Web programmer Angular JavaScript“.

Result: ?

Memad 3. “Full stack developer“.

Result: ?

Malam-Team Group. “Full stack developer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Full stack developer“.

Result: ?


CPS Jobs. “Full stack developer“.

Result: ?

Nisha Group. “Full stack programmer“.

Result: ?

QHR. “HTML5 developer 237“.

Result: ?

QHR. “Web application engineers 207“.

Result: ?

QHR. “Java developer 262“.

Result: ?

QHR. “Java server developer 209“.

Result: ?

QHR. “Java server programmer 133“.

Result: ?

QHR. “Java software engineer 131“.

Result: ?

QHR. “JavaScript developer 298“.

Result: ?

QHR. “Front-end developer 278“.

Result: ?


150 positions applied. Result: nothing.

BMC Software. “Front-end developer Tel-Aviv“.

Result: ?

Adfusion. “Web developer“.

Result: ?

Pango+. “NET. programmer“.

Result: ?

Interneteams LTD. “Java developer“.

Result: ?

WebTech Innovation. “Java Web developer“.

Result: ?


Premium Jobs. “Web Developer“.

Result: ?

SimplyFind. “Front-End Developer“.

Result: ?

Cloud Cygnus. “UI programmer“.

Result: ?

QHR. “Front End Developer“.

Result: ?

QHR. “Front End Developer“.

Result: ?

QHR. “Full stack developer“.

Result: ?

Nisha Group. “UI developer“.

Result: ?

I.P.S. “PHP/NODE/WEB developer“.

Result: ?

Lead. “Full stack developer“.

Result: ?

Shavit Software. “Angular developer“.

Result: ?


I remind that one of services, Tel-Ran company provides for its graduates, is assistance with employment. On December 19-th I sent my Resume to Igor Korol’ (works at Tel-Ran). He asked me to provide this document, so that he will be able introducing me to the clients of this company.

Two month passed since then: nothing so far.

By the way, if you see on this Tel-Ran employment page announcement they are looking for Java programmers, don’t believe your eyes. Especially if your name is Boris Grits. In the same conversation with Igor in mid-December I proposed a variant: Tel-Ran provides me with projects from companies and I do the job for a moderate payment. He, however, assured me they don’t deal with such projects just for earnings. They only take projects, Igor said, for students training. For which they don’t pay.

Do you believe? I do. I just think, the guys from Tel-Ran forgot to mention in their announcement they are looking for Java programmers volunteers. Those, ready to work for free.


Nex Traiana. “Java developer“.

Result: ?

BMC Software. “Java developer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Back-end developer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Software developer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Java programmer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Java programmer“.

Result: ?

SQLink. “Full stack programmer“.

Result: ?

TIComsoft. “Full stack web developer“.

Result: ?

SimplyFind. “Web developer“.

Result: ?

ComBlack I.T. “Full stack developer“.

Result: ?


One 1. “Full stack Web developer“.

Result: ?

Camilyo. “Full stack Web developer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Full stack Web developer“.

Result: ?

Airspan Networks. “Java developer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Front-End  Web developer“.

Result: ?

Discal Group. “Full stack Web developer“.

Result: ?

Matrix. “Full stack Web developer“.

Result: ?

Special Job. “Web developer Angular“.

Result: ?

Tadiad. “GUI Web developer“.

Result: ?

Entrypoint Systems. “Full stack Web developer“.

Result: ?


Hidden. “Client-side programmer“.

Result: ?

D+H. “Java developer“.

Result: negative

SQLink. “Front end programmer“.

Result: ?

PerfectaHR. “Data scientist expert“.

Result: ?

Octally Integration. “ETL developer“.

Result: ?

Rayven. “Front end developer“.

Result: ?

GotFriends. “Web team leader“.

Result: ?

WebMark. “Web full stack developer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Senior client-side developer“.

Result: ?

Y-IT. “Full stack Web developer“.

Result: ?


Hidden. “Java server developer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Data scientist“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Java engineer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Web developer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Server developer“.

Result: ?


Виктору Шендеровичу.



100 positions applied. Only one company (Mfortis, 02/02/17) made a step towards hiring me (invited to online programming test).

No persecution mania. Just facts.


TGS. “Server Java developer“.

Result: ?

Dialog Consulting. “Java server developer“.

Result: ?

SintecMedia. “Java client server developer“.

Result: ?

Horizon Technologies. “Software Java developer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Java developer“.

Result: ?

CPSJOBS. “Ruby on rails developer“.

Result: ?

Shavit. “Java full stack developer“.

Result: ?

Twingo. “Java developer“.

Result: ?

Picaro Consulting. “Java backend developer“.

Result: ?

SeeV Solutions. “Software developer“.

Result: ?

Ambition. “Junior Java developer“.

Result: ?

Applied Materials. “Server side Java developer“.

Result: ?

Applied Materials. “Java developer“.

Result: ?


JobInfo. “Java developer“.

Result: ?

Cps Jobs.

Result: ?

CPS Jobs. “React front end developer“.

Result: ?

PRO-MNG. “Web developer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Senior client side developer“.

Result: ?

QHR Group. “Full stack web developer“.

Result: ?

Prodware Israel. “Full stack developer“.

Result: ?

Eternitech. “Full stack web developer“.

Result: ?

SeeV. “Full stack web developer“.

Result: ?

MSBit Software. “Front end developer“.

Result: ?


Bank Yahav (office #120, Jerusalem). “Web developer“.

Result: ?

Ethosia Human Resources. “Front end developer“.

Result: ?

Ethosia Human Resources. “Software engineer data scientist“.

Result: ?

Ethosia Human Resources. “Java developer“.

Result: ?

Ethosia Human Resources. “Software developer“.

Result: ?

Ethosia Human Resources. “Front end developer“.

Result: ?

Ethosia Human Resources. “Web developer“.

Result: ?

Ethosia Human Resources. “Full stack developer“.

Result: ?

Ethosia Human Resources. “Web team member“.

Result: ?

Ethosia Human Resources. “Full stack developer“.

Result: ?



If anybody follows (there are no visitors nor here at my WordPress site, not at FB mirror) the story with Tel-Ran company, there is a continuation.

As I described on 16/01/17, starting from July 2016, after finishing “Web Development” course, I participate in projects, provided by Tel-Ran. I don’t earn from these projects, make them for training and employment history only.

Last three weeks I started applying for job positions, applied already almost 70 places with no result so far. So, not to waste time I decided to proceed with these “free” projects in parallel with job seeking and addressed Igor Korol’ (Tel-Ran) again. He directed me to Denis Brovarnyy (this is how he  writes his last name in English), who is in charge for caring such projects.


Denis Brovarnyy

I met him already before. In particular, he involved me into one of free projects. We discussed also my employment with his family company after the project was over (he was quite satisfied with my work), and he looked quite optimistic.

So, I addressed him again in January, but something has changed. That was after I started documenting online here, in WordPress, my attempts to find job as a Web developer. Couple times he didn’t answer my phone calls. When finally I succeeded contacting him, he got rid of me in a usual manner: spoke affably, promised to return with a new project and disappeared.

What has happened? Probably he was not happy with that I’m not letting Israelis anymore refusing me in a job on the quiet? Patriot. A strange one, though. I think, he would be better indignant before, when Israel behaved with me as it did, then now, when I finally made that explicit.

Meanwhile, because of this patriot, I can’t proceed with projects at Tel-Ran.


Mizrahi Tefahot Bank (office #566, Beer Sheva). “Web developer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Front End Web developer“.

Result: ?

Mfortis. “Full Stack JavaScript Web developer“.

Result: Was invited to online programming test. Didn’t pass.

IPS. “Web client programmer“.

Result: ?

BMC Software. “Full Stack Developer“.

Result: ?

GotFriends. “Architect“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “AngularJS/ASP.NET Developer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Full stack developer“.

Result: ?

L.R. Smart Solutions. “Developer“.

Result: ?

Matrix. “Web developer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Front end developer“.

Result: ?


Compie Technologies. “Web developer“.

Result: ?

I.P.S. “Web/PHP developer“.

Result: ?

888. “Front End web developer“.


Hidden. “Programmer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “Web full stack programmer“.

Result: ?

Hidden. “UI programmer“.

Result: ?


50 positions applied. So far nothing.

StatCapital. “Fullstack/Web_developer“.

Result: ?

IronSource. “Full_stack_web_developer“.

Result: ?

Interneteams. “Java_developer“.

Result: ?

Mar Group. “Front_end_web_developer“.

Result: ?

Gett. “Full_stack/Web_developer“.

Result: negative


PeopleCom Solutions Ltd. “Java server developer”.


Result: ?

B-net Consulting. “Web Developer”.


Result: ?

UCL Programming Ltd. “Full Stack Java Developer”.


Result: ?

SeeV Solutions Ltd. “Full Stack Developer”.


Result: ?

Meitav Dash. “Web Developer”.


Result: ?


WiseInfo. “Java/J2EE Web Developer”.


Result: ?

MER Group. “Java Server Side Developer”.


Result: ?

PeopleCom. “Full Stack Java Developer”.


Result: ?

Top Software. “Java/J2EE developer”.


Result: ?

Gav Maarahot. “Full stack Developer”.


Result: ?

Matrix A.T. Programming Services. “MG – Java Developer”.


Result: ?

Hidden. “Java Developer”.


Result: ?

P.T.C. “Java Web Developers”.


Result: ?

Horizon technologies. “Java Developer”.


Result: ?

Hidden. “Java Developer in Web environment”.


Result: ?


Hiway. “Front End Developer”.


Result: ?

Hidden. “Front End Developer”.


Result: ?

Hidden. “Client-side Developer”.


Result: ?

Code Value. “Angular Developer”.


Result: ?

OroTech. “Experienced programmers”.


Result: ?

IPS. “Java Developer”.


Result: ?

CPS JOBS. “Experienced J2EE Developer”.


Result: ?


Comblack. Position: “Java & DEVOPS infrastructure personnel”.


Result: ?

4 positions with QHR company: 1) Web developer – Client; 2) Front-End developer; 3) Front-End mobile technology; 4) JavaScript Developer/Client side Developer.


Result: ?

SAP. Position: “Front End Developer in machine learning”


Result: Negative


One of services, Tel-Ran company (I remind that I studied Web development there) provides for its graduates, is assistance with employment. On December 19-th I sent my Resume to one of this company employees, Igor Korol’. He asked me to provide this document, so that he will be able introducing me to the clients of this company.

A month passed since then: so far nothing.


Lead. Position: “Full Stack developer”.


Result: ?

WalkMe. Position: “Web Full Stack Developer”.


Result: ?

SAP. Position: “Developer – CxP Multi Cloud”


Result: Negative

Anyoption. Position: “Full Stack Developer”.


Result: ?

CPS JOBS. Position: “Frontend Developer”.


Result: ?

Gigya. Position: “Front End Developer”


Result: ?

WalkMe. Position: “Web Developer”.


Result: Negative.

Clicktale. Position: “Web Developer”.


Result: ?


PRO-MNG. Position: “Web developer”.


Result: ?

Eternitech. Position: “Angular.js FrontEnd”.


Result: ?

SmartBET. Position: “Frontend developer”.


Result: ?

Jobinfo. Position: “Front-End developer”.


Result: ?

SeeV. Position: “Front-End developer”.


Result: ?


Bizzabo company (Tel-Aviv). Position name: “Back-end developer 2017”.


Result: No relevant position.

PS. In fact I was not Bizzabo-Fan. But after such mail have to become.

Taboola (Tel-Aviv). Position: “Algorithm developer”.


Result: ?

WalkMe (Tel-Aviv). Position: “Automation developer”.


Result: ?


So, the next page of my biography is starting.

During last year (October 2015 – July 2016) I studied Web development (full stack) in Tel-Ran company, Israel. Then another six months I trained myself for free in several Web development projects, provided by this company. And now I begin applying for job positions.

Academy and educational system defended themselves quite effectively, and these topics are closed. But now it is a programming. Let us watch how Israeli companies will stand.


In particular, the following basic idea was stolen.

Contrary to our illusive impression, one can’t perceive object by itself, as a separate single entity. One can only distinguish any element of our perception together with other elements through discerning them operations.

That imposes additional restrictions on any system description. We can’t, for example, introduce arbitrarily first undefined notions, like we do often in axiomatic approach. To make description rigorous, any such notion should be tied with its counterpart (or counterparts), through which one may distinguish it. That does not mean we can’t consider structures with ragged mental ties. But such structure is not able to exist independently and is therefore inevitably a part of some larger whole.


Hackers continue stealing my works. The second computer was detached from Internet, but that didn’t help.


Татьяна Фельгенгауэр (р/с “Эхо Москвы”) – отцепись от меня наконец. Избавь меня от всех своих сожалений и сопереживаний.


Aleksey Margulis, my relative from Moscow, has sent me an email :

“Hello Boris! What’s up? Didn’t hear from you a lot of time. Where are you now? Bla-bla-bla… Be in touch”

Here is this Aleksey:


Several years ago I tried to be in touch with him, but that time that was not in the trend. Now, when I become trendy, he decided he wants to restore our relations…


The Department for immigrant teachers (Ministry of Education) invites me to visit the course of Hebrew language (for further teaching in school, I guess). Why suddenly after 23 years of my living in Israel I don’t know, but does not matter.

Probably I didn’t understand something? Let’s reread again all these stories (this and this).



The known Israeli businessman Leonid Nevzlin in his interview to the Globes(hebrewrussian) says “he does not want to invest to any of the areas, controlled by Israeli governmental or regulatory approvals”.

I wonder, when will Israeli bus drivers start pressing him?



Something real finally.



Interesting, when these guys will settle down finally.



כן, כאשר אינך מסוגל להשתמש בצורה נורמלית בתחבורה ציבורית, זה לא נעים



Israel is afraid of Russia“.

Israel lives in a very different and much more difficult surrounding, than European countries do (not to mention the US). Therefore direct projection of their politics may not work or be even dangerous in some cases for Israel.

When I state the fact – Israeli government made the decision not to clash with Kremlin, avoid conflicts with him; and yes, to some extent that helps Russia enter the Middle Eastern region easily – that does not mean I condemn this politics. As well as it doesn’t mean I support it.

(And why is the last sentence always superfluous?)



First block, then speak.

I can bet, while testing Russian’s willingness to cease violence in Syria, Mr. Obama will come to another agreement with Putin.

If you aim different/opposite goals with Putin, the only way to deal with him is: first block [economically (most efficient in case of Russia), in a military way, … – depends on a situation], and only then offer.



Не знаю, как донести до этого товарища: её упорное телепатическое участие страшно достаёт. Стёр «Russian balance», чтобы избавиться от ожиданий и контакта. Прошу прощения, но мой покой для меня важнее.

Это – последствие, Татьяна (+ те, кто продолжает по-хозяйски разгуливать по моему компьютеру). Думайте…




“We are looking for colleagues for our financial company in Tel-Aviv. For the client support or documents processing departments. The main requirement: you know to speak, read and write english. As for the job features – we will train you”.

A week ago I applied for this job (a Forex-like financial activity). Spoke with thier collaborator Yuri Dziubynskyi, who had posted this ad. I have 15 yeras experience dealing with english-written scientific literature and almost three years experience living in english-speaking environment (the US and Canada). And the

Result: negative.


Meet – Asher Alexlasi (אשר אלקסלסי). That very bus driver, who shouted at me when I asked him about the departure time. Can’t provide his photo, he changed the bus line. But here is the name – Asher Alexlasi. To remain.



Bank Hapoalim

Briefly: “The bank requires clearing my debt within 30 days from the day this mail was sent to me (till June 12-th). In case I don’t come to the agreement with the bank till this date, they regard themselves free to cancel all financial services and to bring a case before a court”.

Have to remind the sweet Israelis: if I can’t get normal job, suitable for my qualification, there is no way to reduce the debt.



My computer was hacked. Therefore have to stop the work. My congratulations to all: your non-understanding you invade all the time my private life has reached the goal.



Bank Leumi (branch 921, Beer Sheva, HaHaluz 90 st).

Job description: to provide assistance for clients with ATM and other electronic devices.

Interviewer: Miri Maimon.

Result: positive.



Got today warning letter from my bank “Bank HaPoalim”. They require to fix the debt till 27/01/16. If not, after that date they are going to apply to a court.

Worth mentioning: this bank had already cancelled my credit card two weeks ago. And that without contacting and warning me.

Interesting: how do Israelis suppose me avoiding debts, if they have deprived me of the right for at least somehow normal job?



Bank Leumi (branch 775, Beer Sheva, Hayeelim st).

Job description: to provide assistance for clients with ATM and other electronic devices.

Interviewer: Tami Hadad.

Result: negative.



“Shufersal Dil ” supermarket (Beer Sheva, HaOrgim 1 st).

Job description: dispatcher of the organic groceries section.

Result: negative.
